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Building winners through a wide variety of tips and insights. Join us on the journey to learn the art of Counter-Strike.

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CS Tips and Tricks with HLEB
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CS Tips and Tricks with HLEB


If you are looking to improve FAST, you are at the right place.

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snatchie's Community


Welcome to snatchie's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from snatchie and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).

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fREShCS Dojo Coaching Group
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fREShCS Dojo Coaching Group


The intention of the CS Dojo is to help players constantly to become a better version of themselves - skillwise ingame and out of the game. I see Counter-Strike as an digital martial art. Work hard, have fun and forge your skillset. A Dojo is a hall or place for immersive learning, experiential learning, or rising mentality. This is traditionally in the field of martial arts. The term literally means "Place of the Way"

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1hr 27m

How to Become a Star Player in CS2

Everyone wants to be the star - the person carrying their team. The question is how do you actually become this person? In this mini course, professional players James "SaVage" Savage & Kristers "keen" Dārznieks will run you through the 7 qualities you must possess to be a star - no matter what role you play. 1. Aim - Methods of improving your individual skil 2. Knowledge - Teach you how to gain an edge studying the game 3. Gamesense - Expand your macro view of the game 4. Communication - How to win with just talking 5. Gamesence + Communication - How to pair your view of the game and communication 6. Clutch Factor - How to win more clutches 7. Responsibilities - How to win before you even join the server

HLEBʼs avatar
ULTIMATE CS2 AIM COURSE This is VERYYY IN DEPTH course about AIM and everything you need to know AIM wise from a PROFESSIONAL players perspective that competed at the high level and is still actively playing on a very high elo against some of the best players in the world. Course is not as long as u think, I am just repeating important stuff a lot of the times to make sure you understand everything clearly. I have been training my students with everything this course has to offer and all of them improved remarkably. First we will make sure you have ALL settings needed to play the game properly, proper gear setup etc.. Then we will go over EVERYTHING AIM WISE. Then i will show you my warmup routine and how to practice all of this on workshop maps and even explain REFRAG platform which is very good way of practicing aim, warming up and staying consistent. At the end we will take a look at some examples of my game vs donk and NiKo's FACEIT game.
3hrs 26m
Maniacʼs avatar
Maniac's CS Masterclass
Maniac's CS Masterclass
2hrs 30m
Bieganzafroʼs avatar
Counter-Strike 2 — Master your skills like a PRO in CS2
Counter-Strike 2 — Master your skills like a PRO in CS2 First ever complex Counter-Strike 2 Guide!Hi my name is Pawel and i would like to take your skills to the next level! I've been a csgo coach since 2015. I've been to many lan events(~25). I've played Counter-Strike 1.6 since 2004, Counter Strike Global Offensive since 2013 and CS2 since first day of closed beta. I used to be a pro player, playing as IGL for top teams in Poland. I had over 3000 elo soloq Faceit, played 5vs5 vs Niko, s1mple and almost every pro player. I'm a coach for individual students like you. I started coaching because I have valuable knowledge and I can share it with you. I have the greatest CS:GO and CS2 coaching experience in the world. You can google my name to find more information about me. I am premium coach – satisfaction guaranteed! I have 100% positive reviews. I created this complete Step-by-Step course for every CS2 player on how to become better and achieve dreamed rank. It will help you become better player in short period of time. This course covers things that you won’t find on the internet and that result from my extensive experience as a Coach. It contains theory knowledge, but also practical exercises that will allow you to quickly and easily implement everything into your game. The course consists of 6 main chapters. In the first one I will explain to you all the important settings in the game. In 2nd and 3rd one I will help you understand game and economy better. Then we will talk about communication so something that determinate if you are valuable teammate or not. Then we will take a look at mechanics that determinate whether you are consistent in your games or not. In the last one I will teach you how to play each of the competitive maps. You won’t find things available on youtube or elsewhere here, but things that will make your impact much greater and you will know how to properly hold position, rotate and retake bombsite. I will also explain you how to be independent, but still very effective on the attacking side, because that’s something we need to do to win more rounds as a terrorist esepcialy on soloq. Let's make you better player so you can improve and grind your rank, rating and level! Satisfaction guaranteed!
6hrs 5m
Popsʼs avatar
Learning and understanding roles in Cs2
Learning and understanding roles in Cs2 In this course we will explain all the roles and the task of every role. Here you can see what fits you best and how you can improve that role.
klonk [FREE INTRO]ʼs avatar
klonk [FREE INTRO]
🔥TOP1 INFERNO PLAYER!🔥 (ALSO FOR TEAMS!) Describing all the plays for every position in both the CT and T default. I explain each play available in great detail and what you should hold and take responsibility for in each position - making you the best player in your favored position on Inferno🔥
1hr 57m
Dennieʼs avatar
Offline Demo Review
Offline Demo Review I will review 1 demo for you, provide notes on my findings and give you pointers to improve.

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