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Standard Support

$5 / month

If you find my content on YT/ Twitch/ Reddit helpful and simply want to show your support, this is the way to go. Support me and get those cool perks: Special discord role, Early access to my content (Special group channel)

  • Free Replay review every month on Twitch (DM me)
  • Exclusive access to 1 channel and 5 posts
  • Discord role

Recommended tier

Tier Cover Image

Epic Support

$9 / month

If you find my content/ advice I ever gave to you super helpful and want to support me even more, then this tier is for you! Support me and get those cool perks: Special discord role, Early access to my content (Special group channel), Unlimited 5% discount code for the entire month (All sessions/ Training plans/Replay reviews), Free Replay review every month on Twitch

  • Unlimited 5 % Discount for any session/ Training plan (DM me)
  • Free Replay review every month on Twitch (DM me)
  • Exclusive access to 1 channel and 5 posts
  • Discord role
Tier Cover Image

Ultra support

$17 / month

This is a generosity tier - this way you greatly enable me as a coach and content creator! By supporting me you get those perks as well: ULTRA Special discord role, Early access to my content (Special group channel), Unlimited 10% discount code for the entire month (All sessions/ training plans/Replay reviews), 2 Free Replay reviews every month on Twitch, Special Shoutouts on YouTube

  • Unlimited 10 % Discount for any Session/ Training plan (DM me)
  • 2 Free Replay reviews every month on Twitch (DM me)
  • Special Shoutouts on YouTube
  • Exclusive access to 1 channel and 5 posts
  • Discord role

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By leaving this group you won’t be able to access any of its exclusive channels.
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