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Tekken school
Hello guys ! Welcome to my Tekken group will share my experince with you guys so we all can grow in tekken. Like how to handle some offensive situations and to creat mix-ups of different charachters

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Hello guys ! Welcome to my Tekken group will share my experince with you guys so we all can grow in tekken. Like how to handle some offensive situations and to creat mix-ups of different charachters

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Tekken school
Hello guys ! Welcome to my Tekken group will share my experince with you guys so we all can grow in tekken. Like how to handle some offensive situations and to creat mix-ups of different charachters

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Malik Ash

Malik Ash


HY! I'm Malik Ash Tekken Player from Pakistan with almost 12 years of Experience . Best Known for Noctis ganeplay

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