Amethyst Steel Aggro Beginners Guide The Amethyst Steel deck, or “The TFM Doc Aggro” as we have dubbed it, went through many iterations before being played to great success at DLC Las Vegas weekend. The version many played on Friday, Saturday, and even Sunday continues to evolve. It is important to understand where the deck began prior to the event, since we believe it will help explain the deck building and tuning process, so you will get more out of this deck guide than simply “deck list..please.” The deck will continue to have changes, and cards we may have early on thought were core ot the deck may come out entirely! This does not mean there is not information to be gained from previous iterations, and keep in mind we may be building for a different perceived evolved metagame. You may like previous versions of the deck, so including each of them should present value to you regardless of where the deck, and your choice of which version to play, wind up.
Published October 21, 2024
20 chapters 2hrs 22m of Content
105 students already sharpening their skills

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Chapter overview

Chapter 1
Part 1: DLC Vegas
Chapter 2
Part 2: The Ones
Chapter 3
Part 3: The Twos
Chapter 4
Part 3: The Threes
Chapter 5
Part 4: Locations
Chapter 6
Part 5: Removal!
Chapter 7
Part 6: Win the Game!
Chapter 8
Part 7: Lack of Songs?
Chapter 9
Part 8: Mulligan Tips
Chapter 10
Set Championship Decklist

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Azurite Sea Ultimate Meta Guide!
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4hrs 37m

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