Emerald Steel Masterguide [EN] This guide helps players master matchups, focusing on the Emerald-Steel discard deck. It covers key strategies for different opponents, like Hyper Aggro, Amethyst-Steel, and Mirror Matches, with tips on starting hands, controlling the board, and countering threats. Players will also find advice on adapting their decks with specific tech cards to gain an edge. The goal is to provide simple, actionable strategies for winning tough matchups.
Published January 27, 2025
12 chapters 39m of Content
142 students already sharpening their skills

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Chapter overview

Chapter 1
Card Categorization:
Chapter 2
Basic Concept - Mulligan:
Chapter 3
VS Ruby Amethyst:
Chapter 4
VS Ruby Saphire:
Chapter 5
VS Emerald Amethyst:
Chapter 6
VS Amber Steel (Steelsong):
Chapter 7
VS Amethyst Steel:
Chapter 8
VS Hyper Aggro:
Chapter 9
VS Emerald Steel Mirror:
Chapter 10
VS Ruby Saphire (Burn)

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Emerald Steel Masterguide [DE]
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Emerald Steel Masterguide [DE] [EN] This guide helps players master matchups, focusing on the Emerald-Steel discard deck. It covers key strategies for different opponents, like Hyper Aggro, Amethyst-Steel, and Mirror Matches, with tips on starting hands, controlling the board, and countering threats. Players will also find advice on adapting their decks with specific tech cards to gain an edge. The goal is to provide simple, actionable strategies for winning tough matchups. English Version coming soon... [DE] Dieser Guide hilft Spielern, Matchups zu meistern, mit einem Fokus auf das Emerald-Steel-Discard-Deck. Er behandelt zentrale Strategien gegen verschiedene Gegner wie Hyper Aggro, Amethyst-Steel und Mirror Matches und bietet Tipps zu Starthänden, Board-Kontrolle und dem Kontern von Bedrohungen. Außerdem finden Spieler Ratschläge, wie sie ihr Deck mit spezifischen Tech-Karten anpassen können, um einen Vorteil zu erlangen. Ziel ist es, einfache und umsetzbare Strategien für den Sieg in schwierigen Matchups bereitzustellen.

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