Looking to learn about an old favorite? Cyrus revisits Future Box, a deck that hasn't seen the spotlight in a minute, but actually seems quite promising in our new Journey Together Post Rotation format! Included is her list, strategy, and more! Check it out!
Cyrus' Guide to Snorlax ControlLooking for a different deck to take to your next event? Our 2023 NAIC Champion, Cyrus Davis, shares her latest take on Snorlax! List, Strategy, and an in-depth card break down is included! Unlock it for free by signing up for our TSS Group!
Make it Rain with Gholdengo exJeremy and Jerrick Gumila have been early adaptors of Gholdengo ex, and Jeremy is now sharing all of his secrets on how to Make it Rain with Gholdengo ex! Unlock this long-form article for only $5 (free if you are a member of our Metafy group) to get access to the list, matchups, and much more!
Ultimate Guide to Ancient BoxIn ~7000 words, Zach fully covers the Ancient Box archetype by sharing the deck's strategy, detailed card breakdown, decklists, and important matchups. This contains parts of the written portion from Zach Lesage's Ancient Box guide here: https://metafy.gg/guides/view/the-ultimate-guide-to-ancient-box-mEc8b2P1Iw8.