How To Play COMPETITIVE (T4-T2) There are SIX sessions that you will see here, three of them are done from the PRO players, and they are: Jume (Entry/Roamer - Team Secret), Eden (Coach - Falcons) & dod0o (Wylde). The other three sessions are WORKSHOPs based on what happened on the Theory sessions with the pro players. Questions will be based on problem-solving (i.e. communication, when to go for the retake, when or how to ask for help on entry/push, when to stop as entry, etc.). There are no marks, dw, its more for you to understand the concepts further. You will know exactly how the game is supposed to be played after the guide, Jume will talk about how to entry and roam, dod0o will talk about supporting whereas Eden (Coach) will talk about the game theory.
Published December 28, 2024
7 chapters 8hrs 34m of Content
24 students already sharpening their skills

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Chapter overview

Chapter 1
How to entry/roam
1hr 27mins
Chapter 2
Workshop 1: Entry/roam
1hr 14mins
Chapter 3
How to support (ATK+DEF)
1hr 23mins
Chapter 4
Workshop 2: Support
1hr 28mins
Chapter 5
Game Theory (ATK+DEF)
1hr 42mins
Chapter 6
Workshop 3: Game Theory
1hr 19mins
Chapter 7
What next?

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