
Welcoming any and all members that are wanting a dedicated coach to assist them in learning Naraka. I do have experience coaching in groups as well as 1 on 1 so either one works for me. Feel free to jump on in and become a prodigy within a short time!


How do, I am poobi, professional Naraka Bladepoint player & streamer, regarded as the best Monk NA. I have played alongside & coached multiple big names including but not limited to Shroud, Lacari, Roflgator, Dyrus & Lirik. I have a very aggressive & diverse playstyle, that includes lots of unconventional tactics. I do not shy away from off-meta picks, nor do I one trick anything in particular. I have mastered various aspects of the game, which I can use to assist with all levels of learning to Naraka. I hope to chat with you soon, and get you to your Naraka goals