Schlemmelicious Community
Welcome to Schlemmelicious 's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from Schlemmelicious and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).

Ultra reacon squad research
Small community of PTCG players who want to improve.

DrThumping's Community
Welcome to DrThumping's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from DrThumping and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).

Piper's Post
Welcome to Piper's Post, I will be posting articles on decks and the meta, videos, tier lists, deck lists, and more.

Restaurant Outside the Box
Welcome to mine restaurant! I will be posting here the results of my cooking and also thoughts about meta and picks on the tournaments

Creche do Vitão (Vitão DayCare)
Aqui vou postar guias e dicas sobre pokemon TCG. Também vou postar guias de decks completos Here i'm going to post guides and tips about pokemon TCG. Also full classes of decks

Chez KinZo'
Yo ! Bienvenue chez KinZo' ! Ici on va discuter de decklists, metagame, nouvelles cartes et prédictions, bref ça chill ici

Project: Artemis's Den
Welcome to Project: Artemis's Den! This is a place to learn from our stellar players and read their wonderful articles.

João Pedro Medeiros's Community
Welcome to João Pedro Medeiros's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from João Pedro Medeiros and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).