Join me to learn all about one of the strongest decks in post rotation! This deck is sure to be one of the most meta-relevant decks in the new format, and I can offer some unique insight into how it plays, as I got the opportunity to give it a spin already in Japan.
Learn to master Raging Bolt ex - one of the best Post Rotation decks! This class is taught by Cyrus Davis, our 2023 North American International Champion, and currently one of the best players in the game! This course is designed to share a well crafted deck list, breakdown the archetype, explain the strategy in depth, and go over the most important matchups available! The class is finished with a Question and Answer session to help iron out any (and all) questions you might have! Can't make the class live? It will be recorded, and you can access it at any point to view after the class!
TSS plans on running 4-5 classes each month by various top members from TSS, and the community! You can unlock all courses by signing up for our All Access Tier - check it out!
Learn to master Tera Box - one of the best Post Rotation decks! This class is taught by Brent Tonisson, our 2025 Latin American International Finalist, and currently one of the best players in the game! This course is designed to share a well crafted deck list, breakdown the archetype, explain the strategy in depth, and go over the most important matchups available! The class is finished with a Question and Answer session to help iron out any (and all) questions you might have! Can't make the class live? It will be recorded, and you can access it at any point to view after the class!
TSS plans on running 4-5 classes each month by various top members from TSS, and the community! You can unlock all courses by signing up for our All Access Tier - check it out!
Heading to Atlanta (or any Post Rotation / Journey Together event)? Don't worry, Gabriel Smart and Zach Lesage have you covered. We've researched the trends of our new format, and will share information about the best decks heading into this event! Content in the class includes deck lists created by Pokemon TCG pros, matchup explanations, valuable metagame information, the hottest tech cards, a question and answer session, and more! Improve your game, and sign up for this class!
In this class, I will cover my newest decklist for Gholdengo ex going into Atlanta Regional, and all of the format's important matchups.
If there is enough time after discussing the matchups, I will do a live game against myself in whatever matchup that's wanted to be seen the most.
Learn to master Dragapult ex - one of the best Post Rotation decks! This class is taught by Zach Lesage, our 2020 Oceania International Finalist, and currently one of the best players in the game! This course is designed to share a well crafted deck list, breakdown the archetype, explain the strategy in depth, and go over the most important matchups available! The class is finished with a Question and Answer session to help iron out any (and all) questions you might have! Can't make the class live? It will be recorded, and you can access it at any point to view after the class!
TSS plans on running 4-5 classes each month by various top members from TSS, and the community! You can unlock all courses by signing up for our All Access Tier - check it out!
Post Rotation Q&A Including all Questions about Ogrebox
This is the final week before our first Post Rotation tournament and I'll be answering any final questions and doubts people have before the tournament kicks off!
Learn to master Gardevoir ex - one of the best Post Rotation decks! This class is taught by Josh Frink, our 2024 Orlando Regional Semifinalist, and currently one of the best players in the game! This course is designed to share a well crafted deck list, breakdown the archetype, explain the strategy in depth, and go over the most important matchups available! The class is finished with a Question and Answer session to help iron out any (and all) questions you might have! Can't make the class live? It will be recorded, and you can access it at any point to view after the class!
TSS plans on running 4-5 classes each month by various top members from TSS, and the community! You can unlock all courses by signing up for our All Access Tier - check it out!
Come and learn about the new strongest deck in the Journey Together standard format. I've been playing a lot of Raging Bolt and have made some very solid and some "spicy" lists. This live event will feature live Q&A and a full matchup and deck guide (with visual boardstates). This is perfect for anyone trying to master building and playing the best Raging Bolt deck for any upcoming Major Tournaments.
An introduction to Poison Archaludon ex - one of the most popular Post Rotation decks in our Standard format! Consisting of Archaludon ex, Brute Bonnet, Pecharunt, and more, this deck has it all! This class is meant to break the ice on the archetype, sharing my list, strategy, and some matchup information! Maybe even a bonus Q&A
An introduction to Raging Bolt ex - one of the most popular Post Rotation decks in our Standard format! Consisting of Raging Bolt ex, Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, Noctowl, and more, this deck has it all! This class is meant to break the ice on the archetype, sharing my list, strategy, and some matchup information! Maybe even a bonus Q&A
Level up your competitive edge with Labyrinth TCG's elite Pokémon team! As frequent competitors at the highest level of play, our champions are ready to share their winning insights.
Led by our accomplished team, this workshop is your gateway to competitive excellence.
Don't just enter the tournament - enter it prepared.