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1:1 coaching session

Helping you be better! Whether you want to improve your game with live match coaching and vod reviews to get you playing at a master level or play games against someone who is at master level to get an idea, these sessions are for YOU!

1 Session 1 hour
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Blanka Coaching 1800-1900 Mr

English: Basically i will show you secrets with blanka to push you over master rank,and if you are more experienced and looking for a further push i can help you get to 1800-1900 mr, i also play Rashid, Ken, Kimberly,Luke and Bison. Español: Basicamente tips para subir con blanka a master, o si ya eres avanzado tips para subir a 1800-1900 mr con blanka. Tambien uso mas personajes como Rashid, Kimberly, Bison, Ken, Luke, entre otros.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Replays Review

I'll Review your Replays and figure out your good and weak points in your games! Watching Reviews can be really helpful figure out your mistakes, frames data, your good/bad habits. I will also provide drills for you if necessary!

1 Session 1 hour
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Precision Training

Choose any area of Street Fighter you'd like to improve on! EXAMPLES (but not limited to) : - Analyzing Matches - Fireball Game - Anti-Airing - Footsies - Matchups - Creating Strategy - Learning new characters - Mindset - Player Psychology - Note Taking - And many more!

1 Session 1 hour

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