Simple Review
League of Legends
If you don´t really know what went wrong in a certain game or you have no idea what skill to work on next, this might be the session for you. We´ll watch 1-2 games of yours, the session will take however long it´ll take to watch the games. Please prepare a recording or make sure we can go into the replay of the games you wish to review. It´s quite possible, that your performance of just a single game is not necessarily repesentative of your skills, so make sure to select a game where you´re generally quite satisfied with your gameplay. I will try and find aspects of your game that might be lacking compared to your other skills and explain briefly what to work on. I will not go too in depth in explaining how these skills work, interact with others or how exactly to practice that. If you are more interested in that, please refer to the "Simple Theory Session". Please make sure to look through my other sessions and text me to make sure we find exactly the session you are looking for!