Vod Review

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Bootcamp - 10 hours

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Analysis (1 hour - RECOMMENDED)

⭐ Send me your VOD we can go over it together pointing out key errors/missed timings/macro sense ⭐Includes a focus on macro, game sense, and theory talk ⭐Includes recording of session to review and revisit

1 Session 1 hour
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Lets look at those basics!

Movement, macro, laning, etc....All of those make a great player. Here we will put some effort into improving what makes the biggest part of League of Legends, and that is Basics!! What we will do: We will go into voicechat and you will stream a replay file you have recorded, there we will cover movement, decision-making, macro, laning etc. A deep dive into what makes you as a player unique, what your strenghts are and what we can still improve. Lifetime Discord access: Join my exclusive Discord server with lifetime access where you can expect questions to be answered almost anytime. Replay of the Session: Receive a full recording of our coaching session to revisit our discussion and improve continuously.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Scrim Coaching: Scrim + Meeting

For this type of lesson, I will coach your team for a full block of scrims, including one hour of meeting time that can be split up to your preference (30 min before scrim, 30 min after, 1 hour before, etc). This is one of the best ways to learn to apply concepts in real time, with effective feedback during the process, and tools to set you up for future success in practice. Discord is required

1 Session 4 hours
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1 Hour Duo VOD Review

This 1 hour session will give us time to have a VOD review together, where I will screen share on Discord and we'll watch some of your replays. -If you would like your session recorded and posted top the Youtube channel after I am happy to do so for you, just let me know at the start of the session!

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Hour Offline VOD Review

This 1-hour session will be a VOD review without your presence, where I will record the VOD analysis and post it to my YouTube channel for you to review. Perfect if you are too busy to sit down or uncomfortable with a call.

1 Session 1 hour

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