
Pro League STRATBOOK - 2024 You'll get a google drive of defend strategies made from the PRO LEAGUE teams, across NA, Brazil, EU and APAC. It has 50 strats, very few of them are on Oregon. Includes ALL competitive maps

Pro League STRATBOOK - 2025 (12/40-50 strats) I will be taking EIGHT strats for each MAJOR/kick-off/EWC event as well as the pro league stage. Getting early secures you a spot as well as you’ll get it for cheaper since you put the trust in it (but I’ve been doing this for 3 years already, 2022-2023 and 2024 stratbook).
You'll get a google drive of defend strategies made from the PRO LEAGUE teams, across NA, Brazil, EU and APAC. It will be updated throughout the whole year, and will have between 40 to 50 strats.

Attack DEFAULTS on all COMPETITIVE maps Learn how to 5-stack attack all maps in R6 CUP and competitive (leagues/tournaments/collegiate, etc.)
2hrs 12m

How To Play COMPETITIVE (T4-T2) There are SIX sessions that you will see here, three of them are done from the PRO players, and they are: Jume (Entry/Roamer - Team Secret), Eden (Coach - Falcons) & dod0o (Wylde). The other three sessions are WORKSHOPs based on what happened on the Theory sessions with the pro players. Questions will be based on problem-solving (i.e. communication, when to go for the retake, when or how to ask for help on entry/push, when to stop as entry, etc.). There are no marks, dw, its more for you to understand the concepts further.
You will know exactly how the game is supposed to be played after the guide, Jume will talk about how to entry and roam, dod0o will talk about supporting whereas Eden (Coach) will talk about the game theory.
8hrs 34m