Tier 1 - Deck Lists, Puzzles/Board States, Question Access, and Tier List
$15.00 / month
This tier gives you access to all of my up to date tested deck lists, a weekly puzzle/board state for you to work on (I'll provide my analysis as well), access to asking me your questions, and my most up to date tier list of the meta!
Exclusive benefits
- Discord Server Access
- Course Discount
- Weekly Puzzle/Board State
- Up to Date Deck Lists
- My Meta Tier List
- Exclusive access to 6 channels and 33 posts
- Discord role
Recommended tier
Tier 2 - Weekly Group Classes and Office Hour
$40.00 / month
This tier gives you access to a weekly group class/office hour. Each class will have a topic such as deckbuilding, sequencing, meta analysis, vod review, or anything my group members want! I will also treat it as office hours where you can come and ask me questions!
Exclusive benefits
- Everything in Tier 1
- Course Discount
- Access to Q&A
- Exclusive access to 7 channels and 46 posts
- Discord role
Ciaran's Trainer's Guild
All Posts