716 | Fresh

716 | Fresh


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Rising level talent from NY. Founder of the Lightning McQueen MKLeo meme. Lead moderator of the high level Pac-Man discord server. I offer a dynamic way of demonstrating Pac-Man tech and fundamentals, and will teach you how to play him effectively, or how to beat him disrespectfully. Feel free to contact me through my socials to keep in touch!

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Free Consultation

Here to answer any questions or requests you may have! As I mentioned on my page, my lessons are inclusive to everyone of all characters and skill levels, (meaning you don't have to main Pac-Man or be a sweaty tryhard) so we could go through all the options to choose from based on what you’re looking for, or we could even create your own lesson or training plan based on what you're looking for! I’ll tell you what to expect, and give you better peace of mind :)

1 Session 30 mins
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I nEeD mAtChUp ExPeRiEnCe!!!!

Don't know what you're doing in this matchup and you need some pointers? I gotchu covered! Let's run some games and I'll leave you with a better understanding of how to fight Pac-Man optimally.

1 Session 30 mins
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VOD Review

Send me a VOD and I’ll give a detailed description how what went well and what you should work on! Uh… That’s it 😐

1 Session 1 hour
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Pac-Man Basics

Well well well.... You've decided that you wanna pick up the yellow menace? Then this lesson is for you! In this session, we will dive into what makes Pac-Man such an effective character in the meta, and how we can apply this knowledge to our play. This includes essential Pac-Man tech, bread n butter combos, zoning strategies, and so much more!

1 Session 30 mins
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Advanced Pac-Man Guide

Wanna make your opponent miserable when fighting you? Well you've come to the right place. In this lesson, I will teach you how to optimize your setups to the next level, exploit bad habits you may have, and I’ll even give you tips on how to maintain your stamina during long matches. I’ll also answer any questions you may have about matchups, and stage recommendations to go along with them.

1 Session 1 hour
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How to DESTROY Pac-Man!

Is that Pac-Man player at your local consistently beating you? Does the sound of Galaga make you wanna fall off a cliff? Do you wish to know the secrets to conquering this MU that most Pac players gatekeep? If you answered yes to any of these three questions, then you've come to the right place. I will show you the core weaknesses of Pac-Man, what your options are, and how to exploit his flaws in a manner that will surely make your opponent work much harder than what they're used to!

1 Session 1 hour
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The Bunswe Bundle

This four part training plan is filled to the brim with essential Pac-Man knowledge and tech that will not only help your Pac-Man get better, but with enough practice and grind, will also assure that you see a difference in your play. Book based on what days are convenient for you, and I'll handle the rest :)

4 Sessions 4 hours

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