



Hello! I'm Grayson a RLCS/SSL Professional Player/Coach, also #1 RL coach on Metafy. I'm looking for dedicated students that want to hit new ranks and take their training seriously. I have 1500+ satisfied students and growing! Come be a part of GU! I have achieved Top 100 across many seasons along with being SSL in every game mode also reaching over 2100+ MMR in ranked. I have been playing at a top competitive level for 8+ years since 2016. My style is great vibes, great attitude and be open to learning new things to gain a top competitive edge! One of the things I can proudly say that I’m highly passionate about helping people reach their goals with coaching in Rocket League. I embarked on my coaching journey back in 2019 when I felt that coaching would be my next avenue in the game. I started in the original season 2 and have been GC/SSL every season since 6! I have lots of love for rocket league, and want to share my knowledge over my 10,000 hours of playing this game as a competitor/coach. Let’s finally get you that rank that you've been grinding so hard for! I promise you I can help you achieve it with a little bit of training! I'm a firm believer of not being stick to stone on coaching times, If we are mid subject and say our 60min is up, I will continue to talk through the topic and make sure you understand and comprehend it regardless of how long over it may go. Why should you choose me? +1500+ satisfied students +We accomplish goals +Positive mentality +Affordable +Friendly +Multi Region friendly Book in a FREE QnA with me today and let’s chat on your goals! If your looking to improve on a specific section or overall gameplay of rocket league I can most definitely work with you and complete that! If there is anything you don't see through my page that you want to work on or have questions feel free to ask me and ill create a training plan custom just to you. Happy Carballing!

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Free Consultation + QnA!

This QnA will cover what I offer as a coach and my training plans for success, along with a private 1v1 vs one another if you want or a casual 2s game.

1 Session 30 mins


See what other say ^ Ready for a new rank? Feeling hardstuck? Feel like its your TM8s? Add my discord @ Coach_Grayson , See you soon! #GU
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Playing together with coaching

This session will cover us going into some games on average a rank higher in any gamemode and playing together to help you understand the game with a teammate that can help you accomplish your goals. We will go over goods/bads that I see and talk about why they are that way.

1 Session 1 hour
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[All Ranks] Get coached by a Pro!

This session is open to all ranks! If your a player in search of improvement this is it! Its replay based however we can spin off course and discuss what I see you need to work on the most depending on the skill assessment I do while talking to you along with watching through the replays together. 1:1 Coaching.

1 Session 1 hour
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Road to GC: 8 Week Program

This is a 8 week course that we will be battling together the entire way! All 1:1 coaching. (There is no rank requirement to start this pack/ all are accepted) During these 8 weeks I will be: - Running lessons for you/with you - Tracking your progress when we meet - Preparing you a Training Plan routine - Providing you with 24/7 Support and Guidance! - (Yes even outside of out sessions) - Doing everything I can to further your rocket league goals and rank stats. If you have any questions before booking feel free to reach out to me on discord (coach_grayson) or book in for a FREE Consultation on my page! This training plan is perfect if you are looking for something a little bit more hands on than my sessions. During this program we are going to be working together very closely on a weekly check-in basis in order to help you reach GrandChampion. We will take a look at your gameplay and mechanical ability including mentality and provide some structure on how you can get the most out of your time spent practicing and playing rocket league, but with the added benefit of weekly sessions with me to make sure you are staying on track and to readjust our goals and training as you begin to soar up the ranked ladder and gain confidence in yourself so you can carry your teammates!

8 Sessions 8 hours
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Road to SSL: 12 Week Program

This is a 12 week course that we will be battling together the entire way! All 1:1 coaching. (There is no rank requirement to start this pack/ all are accepted) During these 12 weeks I will be: - Running lessons for you/with you - Tracking your progress when we meet - Preparing you a Training Plan routine - Providing you with 24/7 Support and Guidance! - (Yes even outside of out sessions) - Doing everything I can to further your rocket league goals and rank stats. If you have any questions before booking feel free to reach out to me on discord (coach_grayson) or book in for a FREE Consultation on my page! This is near my most advanced training plan I offer. This is easily the most in depth most mechanically strong highest expectation pack you will find. This course will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a SSL and what to expect. Hope your ready for the path because its a long road and I need your full attention and dedication. Are you up for the task?

12 Sessions 12 hours
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Road to RLCS: 24 Week Program

This is a 24 week course that we will be battling together the entire way! All 1:1 coaching. (There is no rank requirement to start this pack/ all are accepted) During these 24 weeks I will be: - Running lessons for you/with you - Tracking your progress when we meet - Preparing you a Training Plan routine - Providing you with 24/7 Support and Guidance! - (Yes even outside of out sessions) - Doing everything I can to further your rocket league goals and rank stats. If you have any questions before booking feel free to reach out to me on discord (coach_grayson) or book in for a FREE Consultation on my page! This training pack will get you from any level to RLCS in 24 hard and challenging weeks that will be covering everything you need to make it to RLCS!

24 Sessions 24 hours
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Everything you need to know!

This 4 week long pack will cover the following with a week by week breakdown. • Replay review • Mechanical ability and growth • Rotational ability and growth • Playing together • Live coaching (There is no rank requirement to start this pack/ all are accepted) During these 4 weeks I will be: - Running lessons for you/with you - Tracking your progress when we meet - Preparing you a Training Plan routine - Providing you with 24/7 Support and Guidance! - (Yes even outside of out sessions) - Doing everything I can to further your rocket league goals and rank stats.

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Detailed breakdowns

This pack is designed for those of you who would like a EXTREME IN DEPTH of certain breakdowns in the game I think that you will need. During these 10 weeks I will be: - Running lessons for you/with you - Tracking your progress when we meet - Preparing you a Training Plan routine - Providing you with 24/7 Support and Guidance! - (Yes even outside of out sessions) - Doing everything I can to further your rocket league goals and rank stats.

10 Sessions 10 hours
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Single Replay Review

Access to me for any questions you may have about the game or if you would like me to review a replay with you. Also if you have any questions like how to rotate, mechanics to practice, or what you could've done better in certain instances.

1 Session 30 mins
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Mechanics Session

This is a shorter course for 30 minutes that covers mechanics, tips, tricks, demos, boost management to be able to do these correct. This session will cover us using training packs along with in depth joystick/kbm controlls and mirroring my controller to begin understanding how to do things.

1 Session 30 mins
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Duos Team Coaching

This session will cover you and your teammate in duos on rotations, mechanical aspects, when to challenge the ball, the overall rounded core need to know basics and advanced plays of the game. This will also cover training packs for individual skill sets and practice over multiple obstacle courses to gain that top competitive edge.

1 Session 1 hour
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Full Team Coaching

This will be over multiple replay reviews in a team environment! We can go over rotations, mechanics, decision making, all of the above and questions you guys have to get you as a top competetive team!

1 Session 1 hour
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Mechanical Control Course

Rocket League is all about understanding the fundamentals of your mechanics. So we will be focusing on all angles of Rocket League mechanics. Like the Air Dribble, Speed flips, Half Flip, Ceiling Shot, Fast Ariel, Wave Dash, Catching the Ball, and Flip Resets. This play takes roughly 4 hours to compete where we will be focusing on those mechanics through drills, in game practice, and step by step guides on how to perform these mechanics in game and really understanding how to complete these.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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