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Learning a Legacy Deck - 4 week plan

Magic: The Gathering Online
Magic: The Gathering Online
4 Sessions 4 hours $280

I'll take you from beginning to end for learning a legacy deck from the ground up. 8 hours total: Week 1: We'll discuss how to build / construct a deck of your chosen archetype. (2 hours) Week 2: After you've gotten some games with your deck, we'll go over a VOD of your gameplay (usually 5 matches is ideal). (2 hours) Week 3: We'll discuss adjusting your deck for the current metagame and how to sideboard in the most common matchups (2 hours). Week 4: I will play you in a head to head match and breakdown your gameplay in a VOD review afterwards (2 hours).

Sessions Overview

Pick a Legacy deck / starting point

1 hour

Week 1: We'll discuss how to build / construct a deck of your chosen archetype. (2 hours)

Adjusting deck for metagame / go over sideboard plans

1 hour

Week 3: We'll discuss adjusting your deck for the current metagame and how to sideboard in the most common matchups (2 hours).

VOD Review of first games with deck

1 hour

Week 2: After you've gotten some games with your deck, we'll go over a VOD of your gameplay (usually 5 matches is ideal). (2 hours)

Head to head match and VOD review of match.

1 hour

Week 4: I will play you in a head to head match and breakdown your gameplay in a VOD review afterwards (2 hours).

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