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Melee training/coaching

1 Session 2 hours $20

I've been playing melee since 2013, yep, that's almost 12 years. Suffice to say I picked up a thing or two along the way. I can share these experiences which would expedite your growth by giving you direct answers to your problems while also teaching you important mindsets to strengthen your confidence and teach you how to learn on your own, all for a much cheaper price then your favorite internet famous top players! Things I offer are basically anything you need, I will work with *you* to understand how *you* learn. One of my favorite ways is always a straight training session, having quality time with a high level player and time to evaluate *where* and *how* they are beating you is invaluable. If that is not your speed I am more than happy to slow down VODS and dive deep into what makes your character tick,and how to approach different matchups with the tools your character provides. A combo of these approaches and a mixture of other learning strategies and we can basically cover everything.

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