Katy Parry

Katy Parry


68 followers 2 following

As one of the top coaches for Smash Ultimate on Metafy, and one of the world's most knowledgeable & technically proficient Zelda players - I've pioneered Zelda's metagame. My understanding of the character surpasses most others', and I hope to share my knowledge with my students so that they, too, can find success. By following my fundamental philosophies and learning my advanced techniques, I wholeheartedly believe that anyone has the potential and the capability to achieve greatness in this game. If you're looking to improve your fundamentals, optimize your technical skill, or to take yourself to higher levels of competitive play, stop looking - and start learning with me today.

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Yeah, it’s free.

In this one-time free session, we will watch a portion of a set you’ve played & assess areas of growth. From there, we’ll set up a strategy to get you improving fast.

1 Session 30 mins
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Fight like you mean it.

In this live session, I’ll spar with you and provide advice. We’ll record the set and review it.

1 Session 1 hour
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Watch & learn.

An open ended session where you can ask any questions you'd like while we analyze a video of your gameplay. I'll give some general advice, and answer any questions you may have. We'll discuss your gameplan, your adaptation, and point out any habits that aren't serving you well.

1 Session 1 hour
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Change the game.

Take your mindset to the next level - learn to control and use your mind to your advantage rather than letting your mind control you & hold you back. The sharpest weapon in competition at top levels, the more competitors focus on their mental skills and inner processes, the more it will show in their outside performance, given that the way one thinks affects how one acts (Mack & Casstevens, 2002). In this session, we’ll discuss your psychology towards the game and focus on strategies to help you master the mental game.

1 Session 1 hour

Alice Ex

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Phantom Academy
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