Overall experience was quite positive, muter is good at hyping you up to become better. I think the best aspect of his coaching for me was a few general tricks
Muter's Community
Welcome to Muter's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from Muter and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).
From the community
Overall experience was quite positive, muter is good at hyping you up to become better. I think the best aspect of his coaching for me was a few general tricks
Great coach, loved the in-depth midlane discussion we had and will be booking with them again soon!
Muter was the best coach I have ever had experience with. He was so in depth but also dumbed things down to be understood at every level. HIGHLY recommend!!
I booked a verbal session, we talked about champion pool, practice plan and SoloQ Rules. Overall it was a helpful and informative discussion.
Great coach, taught me mid lane rotations, efficient farming mechanics and overall nice man to work with. If you want to climb and improve work with Muter.
Muter is a super friendly and chill coach with a deep game knowledge.. I learned a lot about what I can improve on, how to play different playstyles etc! Vouch!
creampuff cat
An amazing coach and a very kind person. He clearly cares about his students a lot, and will be rebooking to keep improving :3
Muter thought me alot of things that helped me focus better on my games. He takes his role very serious and professional. I had a very great time, thank you!
Amazing coach, knows what he is talking about and puts it in words anybody could understand. After a 1 on 1 session I established a system to fix my gameplay.
Meet your Community host
About me
My name is Simon "Muter" Brøns. I´m a professional Midlaner & Positional Coach from Denmark. I have 4,5 years of competitive experience as a Player and 4,5 years of experience as a Positional Coach. I have reached 700LP Grandmaster on Midlane & Support, and i have also reached Master on Toplane, Jun...
What roles do you coach?
I have most experience in coaching Midlane, Jungle & Support. However, i also coach Toplane & Adc. Besides the 5 roles, i also do Team Coaching, Duo Coaching & Verbal Coaching
What is the best way to get in contact with you?
You can primarily get in contact with me through Twitter or Discord. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuterLoL Personal Discord: Muter#3433
Do you have any References/Credentials?
Here are my References on myself as a Player & Positional Coach: https://twitter.com/PenaLoL_ https://twitter.com/CoachFykling https://twitter.com/xTheBlackRussia https://twitter.com/Anitius1 https://twitter.com/riceeaterdat https://twitter.com/hys_mostwanted Upon Request, i can also provide you with my Work Sample (Recordings of Previous Sessions), for you to get an idea of how i coach my Students.
Do you provide a free VOD of the Coaching Session?
Yes, i will be recording the Sessions and upload them to Youtube unlisted. I use the Recordings for my own Work Sample (CV) and for you to rewatch and go over the Sessions again, if you like to.
Do you have a Coaching Discord Server?
Yes, i have a Coaching/Community Discord Server, and you are always welcome! I usually post announcements, information, etc. on it aswell. Here is the link: https://discord.gg/x9Jt7xreDz
How often do you stream?
I try to stream, whenever i have freetime in my schedule. It varies alot from week to week. Follow me on Twitch, Twitter or join my Community/Coaching Discord in order to see, when i go online
Is there anything specific i need to know before I book Session(s)?
Yes. I prefer all my Students/Clients to contact me before booking Session(s), since i have a lot of Students and therefore a lot of Sessions. This results in my Schedule/Calender changing often, and therefore it would be wiser to contact me before booking Session(s), so that we can make sure i am available for you at a given time