



The name's Koen, AKA neok. I'm 25-years-old from the Netherlands. I'm a full-time YouTuber / Twitch streamer and now also a coach. I have got around 6000 hours in CS:GO and I've been playing since 2015. Around the end of 2018, I started playing regularly because my YouTube career kicked off. From there I went on to play competitively on Faceit and ESEA. I’ve played CS:GO semi-professionally from 2020 to 2021. After our team reached ESEA Main, we split up due to a burn-out of our IGL. Afterwards I went back to YouTube and Twitch. I do not actively play Faceit anymore as I have no desire to ever go pro again.

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Live Coaching via Discord Screenshare

If you want to get an instant understanding of what to do in the game instead of having to sit through a demo review: Live Coaching! We hop on a Discord call and have you stream your game LIVE! I will give you instant advice mid-round! (This is recommended for people who are already somewhat experienced in the game) I will talk to you about positioning, peeking and when to use nades.

1 Session 1 hour
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Offline Coaching

We go into an offline game together and I show you some good positions and utility you can use.

1 Session 1 hour
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Demo review

I load up one of your demo’s, and we watch your game together. Preferably a FACEIT/ESEA pug as those include voice-coms. I will ask you about certain plays you make and allow you to understand what you could’ve done better in certain aspects. Before we start make sure to write down what you think are your biggest points you could improve on. My maps do not include Ancient and Nuke!

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Full Map Mastery

First we talk about what you want to achieve in your game, what you think are your biggest flaws and then I will set you up for succes! You play a game, and WIN! (most of the time.) Afterwards we will go through the demo and check with what you can improve.

4 Sessions 4 hours

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