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The Nicki Student Package

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee
3 Sessions 3 hours $110

If you already know that you're interested in doing multiple lessons with me, this is what you're looking for! This plan offers you 3 lessons at a slight discount. You can either do all of those lessons within a shorter amount of time, or you treat it like a subscription plan where we do one lesson per month and you resubscribe once we're done.

Sessions Overview

Nicki Student: Lesson #2

1 hour

I'll check in with you and we'll discuss how the things we discussed in the previous lesson ended up working out for you. If everything worked well, that's great and we can expand on it! If things didn't work out, we will figure out why they didn't work, and your problems might be fixed within just a few minutes, leaving us enough time to get into further topics along the way.

Nicki Student: Lesson #1

1 hour

These lessons can be used for whatever you want to talk about. If you're unsure on what you need to level up your play, I can guide you through what I feel would be most beneficial, and we can keep going from there!

Nicki Student: Lesson #3

1 hour

Basically the same thing as lesson #2; we'll check in on how Melee has been going for you and either expand on previous topics, answer questions that came up or fix new problems that you noticed in your play recently.

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