



I write the Wowhead guides for Mage and Evoker and stream live on Twitch weekly. I have raided at the highest level in the game for many years, was a founding member of LIMIT (now Team Liquid) and was an officer when we got World First. I also participated in the 2nd MDI back in Legion and was Rank 1 that season. These days I focus on content creation, casting events like the Race to World first, making guides, and coaching. Sharing what I know and helping others improve is a passion of mine and it is a big part of what drives me to keep playing the game. Regardless of where you are at now, or what your goals are for the future I can help guide you to your goals in World of Warcraft. Outside of World of Warcraft, I have worked in the real world as a software trainer and have experience in teaching people, writing documentation, and creating lesson plans for those looking to learn new, technical things. I also have many years of prior coaching in World of Warcraft from before I joined Metafy.

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Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.