Solarbacca's Community

Welcome to Solarbacca's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from Solarbacca and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).


From the community

NitsOofʼs avatar



This man is so so nice and funny, i was able to learn a lot in a very chill and relaxed atmosphere so i totally recommend him if you wanna improve

LambToTheSlaughterʼs avatar



Really engaging and fun, we had a good session and he even went overboard in order to run over the game again to make sure i understand. Thank you!

About me

Meet your Community host




About me

Learn from a player who is Challenger In Korea (Rank 56 988 LP) , Challenger in Europe (1100+LP) , Challenger NA (1100+ LP). Best Gangplank in The World and endorsed by pros Worldwide. Not Sure Yet? Check my Coaching Vods here ->

  • Location EDT
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