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Silver Surfers
This group will be dedicated to understanding the key fundamentals needed to climb in TFT for every Set

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This group will be dedicated to understanding the key fundamentals needed to climb in TFT for every Set
1.To choose a comp you must know all the good comps first + augments. Check the following link---------->
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2.Strongest boards is the tricky, but you want to wire your brain into looking at each new shop you get to ask itself whats better and stronger every turn ! more details here->
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Show me what you got

I'll watch/backseat you for one game to identify your current level and what areas are most important to focus on during your training package.

1 Session 30 mins
3. The 4 pillers of itemzation to make a balanced board! 1-Frontline items 2-Backline items 3-SHRED 4-Anti-heal and healing
Notice how this board has all the proper itemization needed

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Silver Surfers
This group will be dedicated to understanding the key fundamentals needed to climb in TFT for every Set

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Challenger player since set 3 . More than 4 years of coaching experiance , I Love the game and enjoy teaching :)

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