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Road to Champion (Normal Modes)

A session where we go over some simple mechanics and game sense options that will quickly elevate your level of play

1.5 hours
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Mechanics mayhem

This pack is designed to help you get better at some mechanics of your choosing

1 hour
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Mechanics Session

We will go over mechanics that you want to improve on. This will either be done through private matches, screensharing and guiding you through different training packs/workshop maps.

1 hour
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2 Hour Custom Coaching

You choose whatever we do, whether that be replay reviews, live coaching during your matches, mechanics tutorials - you name it.

2 hours
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Mechanics Session

I will hop into a private Game with you and try to teach you any useful mechanic you want - (no freestyle mechanics)

1 hour
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Mechanics mastery

This pack is designed for you to get as good as I can possibly make you at one mechanic, if we get to that point early, we can try another mechanic

1 hour

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