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Movement Dynamics

I'll show you how to move accurately, where to move, and why you're doing it. We'll also cover multiple strategies including turtling and pressure movement.

1 hour
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Intermediate to Advanced coaching

I started playing Tekken 7 in August 2021 and hit TTG with Bryan in 2023 before the release of T8. I’ve also hit TG with kaz and in T8 I’ve hit TGS Bryan, TG Drag Emperor Paul etc. These are the character I will primarily teach to play as or against. I have alot of subs though so if you need help with specifics make sure to answer the questions for the session.

1 hour
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Tekken tutorial from 0 to 100

🇮🇹 Tekken è un gioco complesso, ma con un po' di impegno sarai pronto all'azione in men che non si dica 🇬🇧 Tekken is a complex game, but with a bit of effort you'll be ready for action in no time

2 hours
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100% training mode optimization

🇮🇹 La modalità pratica è piena di funzionalità e ognuna è fondamentale per migliorare! 🇮🇹 🇬🇧 Training mode is full of different functionalities and every one of them is crucial for improvement!

1 hour

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