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Gunfight Aim Training & Settings

A 1v1 specialized session with me. I will teach you advanced aim mechanics, advanced strafes, reticle positioning, prefiring techniques and everything else to make your aim one of the best. I will also go in-depth with your controller settings and video settings to make your aim feel as smooth & responsive as possible. Even the top players in the game have settings that could be better! I’ve mastered them and will share what I have learned with you.

1 hour
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Gametype Breakdown

I will help you better understand a specific game type of your choice. We will discuss the proper way a game type should be played, and what you can do to improve your gameplay in that game type. I will cover all the small details of the specific mode such as starting strategies, teamwork, power positions, spawn awareness, and many more things! After our session you will be much more confident in playing that mode to your fullest potential!

1 hour

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