The Metafy Community Fund


Putting our money where our mouth is, for the sake of our community.


Hey there, long time no see. We paused the Community fund in September of 2022 while we fiddled with some red tape and hoops behind the scenes, but we’re back to finish what we started. I said it before and I’ll say it again: we desperately want to leave this community better than we found it.

It’s easy for this to become a corporate platitude, but we mean it so much that we’ve put our money where our mouth is. The community fund is one of the many safety mechanisms we're putting in place to keep our soul as we continue to grow as both a business and platform.

To clear up any questions from big organizations hunting for piles of cash: this fund is for the small and wonderful corners of the gaming community.

We’ve earmarked this money for grassroots initiatives and independent events and projects. If you’re courting a corporate sponsorship, we’re sure you’re very nice, but this isn’t the path.

Metafy lives and dies by the passion of community, and we’re committed to seeing it flourish.

Josh Fabian, Co-Founder & CEO

Submit your idea now

Start by submitting your idea with all the details, we’ll review and get back to you within seven business days.

Questions you may be asking..

Start by posting your idea with all the details, meantime you can vote
on other ideas while tracking the progress on your application.

1. What are the criteria?
2. What do I have to do in return for the money?
3. I’ve never run a tournament before, can I apply?
4. What exactly counts as a "Creative Project"?
5. What should I plan on using the Community Fund sponsorship for?
Metafy, why are you doing this?

Instead of donking off cash into the almighty Zuckerberg furnace so that you could see our logo crammed in between Gram Gram’s Facebook post about how you never visit and Uncle Steve’s gun collection, we put that cash to good use for the time being -

Post your idea